viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2007

kE hacen ahi?

Der Letze Tag pics!

Este video esta genialisimo si no lo has visto:: te lo recomendamos!! ajajajaj!!

Es contagioso hasta para los amigos!!

jajajajja ke lindoss!! jajajaja bien coordinados! por si akaso no saben ese es Andreas!

La fan mas joven de TH

Y yo ke pense ke mi madre ya staba vieja para andar ahi con TH... :S me ekivokaba!

jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2007

What a beautiful weather!!

aun ke pronuncie mal LO AMOOO!!

Entrevista en Ingles!!

Do you know how to do your laundry?
Bill: When we are at home our mom washes our clothes but when we are on the road we do that ourselfs. In the hotel or in the studio.
Georg: Right! You have to make sure you sort the laundry into dark and light. That is not that difficult. What i hate most is ironing. Nevertheless, i iron all my clothes, pants shirts, everything....
Bill: Georg takes it really serious. I haven't ironed in my entire life.

When was the last time you have taken the bus or train?
Bill: Unfortunatly that isn't possible anymore. That's why we always travel with our own bus or car. We travel a lot between Hamburg and Berlin, and with the train we were there really fast in one and an half hour. With the car it takes twice as long. I would like to travel more with the train, while i hate flying.
Tom; We always have that many suitcases with us, we probably would have the reservate a half train.

Can you cook?
Bill: Off course! I can make nudels, milk with rice, spaghetti and spaghetti-omelett.

When was the last time you cooked yourself?
Georg: Yesterday. We had nudels.
Tom: When we are in the studio we always cook ourselfs. Then we have nudels on the menu every day.
Bill: When it comes to food i am very simple. If we would have a 5 star cook, i still would want him to make nudels. And i love fastfood. There is nothing worst then fancy food. On many award shows you get this fancy food. We always wait for the aftershow-party then, there you can get really cool stuff like curry sausages with fries.
Georg: I think it is really foolish to have an expensive 5 course menu served, because you are eating for 3 hours and you still feel empty after that because the portions are to small.

When was the last time you went to the supermarket to buy things?
Bill: Going to the supermarket is really difficult for us. Even if i put on a jogging outfit and put on a hat, the people still recognise me. We always buy our stuff and a gas station. You can get really nice stuff there, last time i had: baked fish with potato salad. When i would have ordered that in a normal restaurant it wouldn't have tasted half as good as at the gas station!
Tom: At the moment that is my favourite food too! We already have been at every gas station in Germany.

When you wouldn't be travelling the world, what would you do?
Georg: I would live together with all my friends, that would be awesome.
Bill: Living together with strange people, that's just not for me.
Tom: Bill and i just have left the house. We wanna keep living together though.

What other job could you imagine doing?
Gustav: Insurance sales person
Bill: And Georg would be a construction worker.
Georg: a doctor forf emale patients would be something for Tom.
Tom: Absolutly! But only if i could pcik my patients myself.
Bill: I never knew what i wanted to become later. My only realy passion has always been music. But what else could i have done? I can't work behind the desk of a back looking the way i do. People would run away.
Georg: That's not true! People just wouldn't show. The thing is, for normal jobs you have to change the way that you are and look.

Would you dress and style yourself for a job the way you do now, Bill?
Bill: Yes, definitly, i also looked like this in school. And even there i just got trouble. The other students just laughed at me and the teachers were just annoyed, while they couldn't deal with the way i looked. With a suit and tie i wouldn't be happy. The main problem was: Where do you fit when your 18, and have big hair and a tattoo?

Do you still go to party's from your friends?
Bill: It depends. When close friends have a party i'll definitly go there. But when it comes to big party's i first wanna know who is coming. On big party's it's like at the airport in a club at night. The people wanna have an autograph and take pictures -

you don't really get to party then.
Tom: We have no problem with that, giving autographs, that's something that we don't mind doing. But then the patying get's a little neglected.

What do you mis most?
Georg: Just a normal life in general.
Bill: I hate the day to day routine, but i also mis the normal life besides the band. I also wanna walk down the street without being recognised. Have you ever thought about giving it all up, to have a normal life again?
Tom: No, we haven't ever regreted it and we just can't get enough. We started in Germany and now we are going over the borders to different country's, because we wanna keep acomplishing more. Our life is just awesome!
Bill: When we are at home for two with with nothing on our schedule, then i start to mis it all. Then i think: "Hey, I wanna be photographed again, i wanna go to an awardshow, i wanna go back on stage again!" I love my life because it is just the way i always wanted it to be. I wanna be known, people will look at me and talk about me. Off course it sometimes irritates too, there up and down sides. Even if we would stop today it would still take forever till we have our lifes back. Tokio hotel - that is a disscision that is forever.

De kon las Grupies!! Pronto la traducire al españ las ke no saben ingles!!

TH en revista FrancesA!!

TH en una revista Rusa!!

Alguien ke sepa ruso??

Traduccion de la Bravo Alemana

"La noche me ha perdido. El mundo esta helado, Una brisa fría. El Sol se ha congelado." Algunas líneas tristes y oscuras de la nueva cancion de Tokio Hotel 1000 Meere.

Una música que se te mete por dentro de la piel y consigue llegar a tocar a las fans, cómo muchas cartas y e-mails lo demuestran. Lo que es extraño: es que en las canciones de Bill las letras siempre son tristes,nunca hace letras felices como para una fiesta . Eso suena a desesperación, tristeza y pensamiento.

La cuestion es:Como es que estas canciones tan tristes consiguen hacer tan felices a los fans ? Y sin excepción: no hay una música que sea feliz desde el inicio y llena de energía. Todas las músicas tienen algo de triste y deprimente - en la melodía, en el sonido, en la letra. Pero...... porque Bill no escribe canciones alegres?

En teoria el líder de Tokio Hotel debería ser muy feliz: esta viviendo su sueño, se hizo una mega estrella a los 15 años, el celebra su éxito por toda Europa,en todos lados las fans gritan su nombre, cantando las canciones alemanas, aún cuando algunos de ellos ni entienden las letras,Bill consigue cantar las canciones con toda su alma , millones de fans oyen atentamente y su hermano Tom está siempre a su lado, por lo tanto Bill debería ser el muchacho más feliz a la faz de la Tierra.

Pero por lo contrario Tom parece estar siempre "cerrado" y ser todo para él aún.
"Bill es simplemente mucho más emocional y sensible que yo"-explica Tom sobre su hermano.

Pero hay una gran diferencia entre los dos: Mientras Tom está siempre con las groupies a su alrededor , y no guarda en secreto sus noches calientes, Bill a veces parece estar "voluntariamente" solo. El siempre dice estar esperando al gran amor de su vida . Esto puede parecer una locura ia ke el puede tener a cualkier xika y hace mas de tres años k n besa a nadie.
"Yo no soy del tipo que lleva a las chicas para el cuatro sólo por una noche". Lejos de la vida que tiene sus consecuencias: "En los viajes largos yo me siento solo!" y lo que él hace en esas situaciones? Dormir o exactamente, escribir canciones! "La canciones me ayudan - en todas las situaciones." Y los fans de él lo sienten así.

Wiii de Tokio Hotel Mexico!! wiii!!

Bill le da a tom!!

Pues un empujonsillo nada mas!!

Al fin un audio-video de Tom Cantando

Weno pues no presten atencion a la xika ke grababa gritando "Oh my god, Bill..!!!"
pero se skucha a tom cantando Wo sind eure hande!!

Walls de Tom Kaulitz!!


Wallpapers de Bill...

(Yo le doii la mejor vida ke pueda tener!! ^^)

En una firma de Autografos!

Komo me enkantaria ke bill me sonriera asi!! ^^

Preparandose para ir a Japon!!

(Ese saki enkanta ke ni ahi se separa de los xikos!! Wir lieben dir saki!!)

Kien se kedo con Nicole?

Ninguno, ella se fue con otro!!

Bill + Estress = Palito de Pan Reloaded!!

Pues se ha comentao ke bill tiene mucha presion y esta estresado, y ke por eso se le estan presentando problemas de apetito (osea: no kome!) pss delgado siempre ha sido, pero miren sus mejillas!!

Aun asi te amo bill...pero COME!!

miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2007